The Demographics of Dave-Land
I now jointly own 0.0000000000415408% of Earth with my wife. The population here is 3 and is expected to climb 33% by the end of 2007. This land is currently under the Juristiction of the Federal state of Canada, but Nationalism is on the rise and a referendum is imminent; but expected to fail. The Official language is english, but Jibberish is affluent, especially in the North. Native Species include cats, Ladybugs, and possibly Morlocks. The Flora includes grass but Trees from other lands are being moved in by order of the governing body.
So, Yes- I am a house owner. Yes, Wife is having a baby sometime in the Late June/Early July area (and I am now able to tell people!). The house is in Alcona Beach, and I have a tenant that rents out the Basement (he came with the place, like one of the appliances!) - I don't know much about him, but wife seems to think hes nice so thats all good.

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