New job | new house | new Haircut?
Its been an exciting week! My last shift-work weekend involved a geocaching event called GHAGAFAP 5. This was an annual event, and my first time attending. GHAGAFAP is the largest event in Ontario, so I pretty much HAD to go, as I am a superstar now. There were various events, a lot of neat camoflauge caches that forced us to check every duck in the pond, and every fire department connection on the buildings. When the night came we got a huge fire going, and set up a movie theatre in the woods (just wait.. it gets geekier). An American cacher by the name of Mr.Mom brought out the illegal flashlights (you could probably see our light show from space), and Tomtec brought out a few of his slightly modified lights, and a bunch of green laser pens. We put on an absolutely amazing laser light show that night. I went over and helped out so that the hosts of the makeshift light show could go check out how amazing it looked from the campsite. It even blew their minds how well it turned out!
Click each for a larger view:

Here is a complete Gallery of the event for those interested.
After a weekend of GHAGAFAPing, I returned to the flat and got a good rest for the first day at my new job as a Systems administrator. I haven't got my biometrics scanned into the system yet, so I am basically desk bound near the entrance. They have me running through mountains of documentation and building solaris boxes as the moment, so nothing to exciting, but I seem to be picking up on things quicker then the normal hires that they do, so I expect I will be staying in this position for a while, which is a good thing!
On Tuesday the wife and I went and looked at yet another house. This time the house wasn't about to fall over, spontaneously set on fire, drown, or get shot at.. and best of all, it was in our price range!! we were suspicious at first, there must be something drastically wrong with the place if we can afford it. It is a huge house with 4 bedrooms, and is a 5 second sprint to the lake (a 20 meter portage to the beach). The budget says we can afford it, so we will have to see how good we are with budgeting. Our Real Estate agent was told to go forward with the paperwork. This will be amazing if everything goes well. I can't wait!!
As for the haircut, well.. I started growing a beard in, as it seems to make me look older and more serious. Alot different as well. People I have known for over a year at work are coming over and introducing themselves.. weird. I do really need a haircut, which was planned for this weekend, but I never got around to. So depending how this weekend goes, I may look much different soon.
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