An unlikely role Model
Best US President ever? Alexander Joseph Luthor. Yeah, I admit; I cheer for the bad guy.
There are some things that strike me as unique to the plight of Lex Luthor. First and foremost - He wants the best for humanity. Why does he hate superman so much? Because he is an alien who goes around solving humanities problems. He feels as though humans are a still developing species, and if superman goes around fixing all our problems then we will stop developing and learning to deal with the problems we have caused. In order for humanity to develop the way it should, it must have no external influences, and deal with its own problems.

Since the 1940s, Luthors character has changed many times, from a brain-stealing red haired scientist, to superboy's best friend, to alien fighting commando soldier, to president of the USA. He has come up with various plots to destroy Superman; including the synthesizing of kryptonite, travelling back in time, creating clones, robots, genetic monsters, detonated H-Bombs, and even summoning beings from the 4rth dimension. His history is also chaotic, as peoples tastes over the decades change. Sometimes he is a self-made man, who grew up in the slums of metropolis, sometimes he inherited his money, sometimes he stole it all. The one thing in the stories, that seems to drive him, is revenge.
Luthor became president in the year 2000 after detering an alien fleet of warships with human-alien technology hybrids. He Married Lana Lang, and with Pete Ross as the Vice President, led the world into a new golden age... Or so it goes.
The "new" Lex as portrayed in the TV series Smallville is a far more 'realistic' version of the fantastic story of superman. In the show he is portrayed as a rich twenty-something who uses his money to help the people of the world, and performing extensive research and development. Clark Kent (oh sorry, I should have warned you about the spoiler) always seems to foil his research plans though, as they often make him sick (because he doesn't like Kryptonite, a key ingredient in most of the experimentation). This is the Lex I Cheer for, the one who is relatable. Sometimes I watch the show, and think to myself, man, this superman guy is a real prick.
In the new superman movie however, he seems a bit too money hungry to seem realistic. Superman is the hero in this story only because there doesn't seem to be anyone better for the role. He still seems like a clumsy, dim-wit who just happens to have biological superiority over everyone. I liked the superman movie, but didn't like the way Lex was portrayed in it, or superman for that matter. The real superman would have made his court date!
Anyway, VOTE LEX FOR PRESIDENT, that is all I can say. peace out.

Dave I have to agree with you totally on the Smallville portrayal of Lex Luthor. Much more realistic and humane. He has his mean periods but so much more likeable. I am so happy someone finally cheers for the bad guy like I do. By the way, what do you think of Snape in the Harry Potter series... Does he make you good bad guy list??
I think I have only watched about half of the first movie in the series. If he is who I think he is (the dark dressed professor) then ya - He kicks ass.
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