Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ceres-1, welcome to the solar system

How many planets in our solar system? 12!

After about 150 years of debate, scientists have FINALLY named the Ceres-1 planetiod a member of the Sol system planets. The Sol system now contains the classical 8 planets, and three contested planetoids Ceres-1, Pluto & Charon, and 2003-UB313, as "Planets". The definition of Planet has actually been defined as something that satisfies 2 conditions:

1. The object must be in orbit around a star, but must not itself be a star
2. It must have enough mass for the body's own gravity to pull it into a nearly spherical shape

So, Pluto is a planet, Charon (I thought it was a moon!) is now considered a planet, Ceres is a planet (formerly known as an asteroid), and 2003-UB313 is a planet as well. There will likely be more planets discovered in the solar system from time to time, but the current total is 12.

Am I happy with this news? NO. Am I going to tell you why? NO. I am just going to sulk now. Enjoy your status Ceres-1. ENJOY.


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