Christmas - What not to give
Merry Christmas everyone!
I am completely burnt out, so I am taking a break at the computer for a while, which gives me the perfect oppurtunity to warn you all not to make the same mistake i made! I saw something new in the grocery store the other day, Coke's new product "Blāk", which is aptly named, as that

Coke Blāk tastes like liquified coffee beans (not coffee) mixed with carbonated water. Unless you actually enjoy raw coffee beans then you probably won't like this. The only possible benefit that they might think this have is the caffine boost, which didn't even seem to be there as I went to be right after drinking 2 small bottles on the stuff.
As for everything else: Moving is fine, but I hurt. Chistmas is saved!! I found all my gifts, after I had apparently lost them.. Turns out that I had wrapped them and put them under the tree and forgot about this very important point, leading me to begin tearing boxes of stuff apart looking for all my gifts (my brain is mush right now, see second paragraph). Prego-wife is sick all the time. On the plus side, I do have high speed internet now, which is such a releif after over a year with a 14.4 modem, no thanks to Bell who ignored my many phone calls asking them to activate the ADSL lines in the area *takes a flick of a switch no doubt*, ya thanks for your concern Bell, I will be going with Rogers this time.
Have a great christmas everyone, and happy new year!
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