Adventures in Pain - The Saga
After coming up with the title for this one, I decided I needed to look up the definition of saga. Now that I know what it means, I will attempt to write it as defined in the spirit of icelandic settlement!
After Battling the Grueling tortures of the voyage to the weekend, and the rough rocky wrong coast of Saturday, which was spent attempting to murderously hack away at the drywall in the nursury armed with wallpaper and a paintbrush, the trials and tribulations of exploring the inland were upon me. I had decided to Conquer an unpeopled trail known as the Bruce in the land maps refer to as Caledon - no doubt a Saxon named relic of previous failed settlements.

I rode my steed, famed Swift+, to the base of the escarpment that was before me. Knowing full well that the rough trails would not allow for his particular footprint I let him graze while I traversed the hilly peaks, and valleys above.

Included in my assortment of navigational tools was a map of 12 treasures, no doubt left by the Saxons of Caledon to tempt wrong coastal settlers such as myself. I worked my way through the mountains, and to my own suprise I did not fall from the escarpment (which is a personal best! I don't think I have ever walked the bruce without injuring myself!). I conquered the 20 kilometer stretch finding all the treasure and looting it fullheartedly. The Trek however was not without it's toils.

After my collapse at Swift+'s manly hooves, I gathered myself into the stirrups and assessed my situation. The hike may have been only 20 km laterally, but the vertical terrain range must have been much more then that. My feet were bleeding quite badly and I was in no shape to carry on. Swift+ however had another idea! While I was gone he had collected maps of other treasures!

We carried on for another 6 hours or so, until the point at which I could barely walk. Swift+ had had enough as well, and we decided to call it a day. Back to the wrong coast, and some time off my feet!

Despite being so very tired, I did not rest well that night. The Pus draining from my feet was quite disconcerting, and actually quite ticklish. All is fair, i guess!
The End
Great tale but it sounds as if you need more refreshing beverages to help celebrate the little victories. ;-)
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