The Last month in review

Wedding - preparations are nearly complete. Convinced 2 of 3 groomsmen to join me in wearing kilts. The other will be fitted of one soon. Got the family sword upgraded, so its now quite a bit bigger, shinier, and tempered. I'm still going to wait until after the wedding to start wacking watermelons with it though. C and I took the compatibility test the other day at our Pastors request. Some of the questions were quite funny such as "Having Children will likely solve any relationship issues we have AGREE ---- DISAGREE" or "When watching television, custody of the remote controls belongs to Whomever is stronger AGREE ----- DISAGREE". There were a few toughies, but after 7 years, I am sure we know where our problems lie.. Besides, im stronger so that means I always win.
Geocaching - been working myself up the rankings list.. Not that the numbers matter, but hey. I made up a pretty good gallery in my MSN space, people have actually told me that I should sell some of the photos, or that I should become a photographer. I am a firm believer however that I suck at photography, and that I just visit photogenic places. My favorite area is quickly becoming the Bruce Trail. I seem to like the cliffs when I am not falling off of them (still recovering after quite the call about a week ago). I am starting to get a few visitors to the caches around my house, but most people complain that the terrain is nearly impossible due to the fact that its a swamp. They obviously don't want it bad enough!

Job - I am searching for something in programming, as it seems more and more evident that my present job is a dead end. Putting out resumes is depressing, I seriously hate it. You put hours of work into a perfectly crafted cover letter, only to get no reply, time after time. Every job seems to require 5-10 years experience in the exact SAME job to qualify. Needless to say, I am not getting any call backs despite my efforts to continuously pump out the resumes. I have started working for Central Ontario Geocachers as a Web-app developer and DB administrator. I wrote a pretty nifty application that uploads an XML file to the server, read out the contents and displays it to a Google Map. I have found it to be quite handy. Hopefully someone will take note that I am competant, but I am not holding my breath.