New years adventures

I was busy over the holidays but nothing overly exciting that I wish to discuss with the world. C and I did some wedding planning, and got a guest list together (5 months to go!). We took a trip to the Blue mountains near collingwood. The original idea was to go for skiiing, but she didn't feel up to it so we just chilled out for a few days. It was one of those wonderful vacations where you just stay in the hotel room and eat pizza and potatoe chips. Sweeeeet! I was quite active during the light hours, cleared out the Blue Mountain range, except for the town of Meaford which seems to be my bane (only able to find 1 out of 7!!!).

Then it was off to meet some treasure hunters out in Bracebridge for the annual snowshoe and pub event. Met some fun people, saw some amazing waterfalls! The day was finished off at a local pub, which turned out to be way too small for everyone. There were about 12 of us, but only 4 seats availiable. It made for a cramped evening! Of course, this little place wasn't able to provide enough food.. atleast what we would have liked off the menu. It had a street address, which none of us were able to find because It wasn't anywhere near a street.. how many treasure hunters does it take to find a bar you ask? 12 apparently! Why would a bar accept a reservation for more people then it could hold? Pirates of course! barkeep had an eye patch.. gotta love geocaching!

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