Disaster brewing in the Midwest?
Ever heard of the new Madrid Fault line? Most probably have not.
In 1811 & 1812 a series of catastophic earthquakes completely reconfigured the landscape, creating new lakes, destroying 600 square km of forests, and wiping out entire cities (like new Madrid). Since 1974 over 4000 minor earthquakes have occurred here, averaging one a year that can be felt by the locals.

Anyways, so why am I writing about this. Looks like there has been interesting news in the area lately. Just thought I would let you know!
December 9:
Trail Derailment in Logan county
December 11:
Officials Puzzled by Oklahoma Gas Geysers
Gas spewing Geysers pop up near Kingfisher
December 15:
Hydro dam breaks open, flood
December 17:
Meridian Mississippi Train jumps tracks
December 19:
coal train bound for St. Louis derails
References various ubersite articles by electrictoothsydrome, and the mighty wikipedia
In the late 70s, we lived in Memphis and my dad was on the newbridge over the Mississippi River between Memphis and Arkansas when a minor earthquake occurred. He said it was a kind of sickening feeling, the road beneath the car moving, swaying unnaturally. Everyone in the mid-south (Memphis) area is aware of that fault, but I think it's relatively unknown to everyone else. I think something huge could happen there again one day. Interesting post.
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