Camping at Lake Sherbourne
After years in university, and working my tail off during the weekends, I was finally able to go camping with some friends at Lake Sherbourne, a secret campsite on crown land in the Minden region of the Haliburton Highlands. A jeep trail allows people access (not easy access) to the lake after about 40 minutes of driving. Now this is not good driving, but it is HELLA fun. The trail dips and winds through the bush, on a single lane. Me and my little swift did very well for the trail, although I should really appologize to my shocks.. We kept up with the Jeep cherokee in front of us.

check out our phoon!
I was going to say that the nearest road to where we were was Hwy 35, but upon closer inspection from Google maps, it appears not! Click here for the exact location of our secret camping spot. Why am I giving away the location? Do I never want to camp with my friends again? The government is making the place into a park next spring, and start CHARGING people to stay there.. no more free camping here atleast!
It was a few wonderful days of relaxation and bliss. Very few humans, and the only work to do was to chop some wood, and find non-toxic leaves to use for TP. Of course, no vacation I have comes without its downers..

So what happens when you get a bunch of buddies in the back woods with a jeep, and have nothing to do but chop wood? Why, you start driving the jeep through a lake of course! Poor Jeep.. Hydrolocked the Engine of course, and we had to get it towed by a rag-tag band of criminals that were hiding in the nearby woods with a truck. They were quite good people! A nice lady named 'smurf' with a truck helped us out.
We had a fire that night with them as we dried the engine components on the beach. They had brought plenty of weed and interesting stories of them setting cops on fire, and high speed chases. It may not have been too eventful (especially considering the stories they told), but It was a great weekend none the less!!
Here are some links to pix I took. Enjoy!
Jeep in Lake
Jeep - Setting up for the Pull out
Jeep - Haul ass backwards
Jeep - Flooded interior
Jeep - Flooded interior
Jeep - Mechanics on the beach
Lake in the morning
Walkin the dog
Lake Sherbourne
George make Fire (a picture worthy moment)
A Lake I found with GPS, no sign of habitation
While I was up there, I did some geocaching on the way in and the way out. Here are some pictures from that venture:
Town of Big Halk Landing (entire town)
Town of Big Halk Landing (surroundings)
A Bear I saw
Buttermilk falls 1
Buttermilk falls 2
Buttermilk falls 3
Buttermilk falls 4
Town of Dorset (entire town)
Dorset tower
From afar
view from tower
view from tower 2
Binocular view
A spectactular waterfall far from any road:
Kawagama falls 1
Survey Monument in rocks
Survey Monument with falls (I'm an engineer, it's interesting!)
Kawagama falls 2
Kawagama - Bad picture from cliff
Kawagama - Good picture from cliff
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